Today’s streams started already!

   FGC News ,,,   December 10, 2016  1 Comment

Started already and will go on all day! And we are live! Casablanca Showdown! TOP 8 now And we are live! Casablanca Showdown! KOFXIV pools! — inwi|frionel@KOFXIV (@frionel26) December 10, 2016

Registration for KOF XIII (SIDE EVENT) at EVO 2015 is now live!

You can register for the EVO 2015 side tournament for KOF XIII now. There was a price reduction from $20 to $10 USD. You can do so now at the following website: KOF XIII at evo You can also check out the facebook event: KOF XII evo side FB See…

Summer Tag Team Live Now from Las Vegas

Under the radar for almost everybody. The Las Vegas crew is running a tournament right now with special guest KaneBlue River, Reynald, Angelic, El Matador and many others… you can watch it live right now at: For more information on the event please check out their facebook event page:…

Stream info 4 Road to EVO Paris

Who will win that flight to Las Vegas? Tune in to find out! SFIV KOF XIII The stream MADCATZ


The winners of SFIV and KOF XIII will fly to Las Vegas with one week in a hotel, all paid for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PARIS FULL CONTACT 8th and 9th June. The venue is near Nation station (close to Arcade Street). White Dream, 38 rue des Ormeaux. Sooooo it’s .. next week!  Huh……