to korea!!! THIS GAIJIN CAN WIN! CE GAIJIN PEUT GAGNER! CAFEID GLOBAL TOURNAMENT Nous (MM,SBR,ON) voulions envoyer Frionel, mais ca sera moins cher pour Fox du fait qu’il est déja au Japon … Si l’objectif n’est pas atteint au 25 Mars, vous serez remboursé (moins les frais paypal) We want…

Can a gaijin win at Nishinippori?

   kof ,,   February 17, 2014  26 Comments

MEGA SHOCK ENDING Team battle 52 by nico user ??VERSUS . Even though there it was this talk about this event being 2 lives each, ultimately it seems that they had to cut things short with a single try per person. Sub-character day, it seems. Team 1p : Ishihara Satomi…

Black Men in Japan…

Yes, I saw them, and they weren’t sporting a comical afro, shooting uzis or making schoolgirls scream like they were about to explode. In Yakuza 3, you can see black men walking through the