Rock Guide KOFXIV

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Contributor & credits : Yulya, Coliflowerz

Summary: Well balanced character, easy to handle. Although he has a few zoning tools (essentially special moves), he’s better at melee range because of his command grab and good close normals which can lead to devastating combos. With some meter, he can indeed land very damaging combos so he’s good in 2nd position and even better as anchor.

Best Position: Mid or Anchor

Best Tools: 

  • qcb A
  • cl. A
  • j. D




LP “Light Punch”

  • Crouch : one of his fastest normals ; safe on block ; can chain
  • Close : also one of his fastest normals ; very safe on block ; can chain ; special cancelable
  • Far : better hop stopper ; safe on block
  • Jump : nothing special

LK “Light Kick”

  • Crouch : safe on block ; good for blockstrings and as combo starter (can chain)
  • Close : safe on block ; special cancelable but not chainable and slowest than cl. A
  • Far : hits low,  special cancelable, can be used as poke
  • Jump : excellent range => use it as air to air move

HP “Heavy Punch”

  • Crouch : good anti air which comes out really quickly, covers space above Rock
  • Close : quite quick but slightly slowest than cl. A and unsafe => good combo starter, can be comboed into from a jump-in
  • Far : good range but very unsafe => might whiff punish
  • Jump : good range, comes out slower than j. D so can hit later

HK “Heavy Kick”

  • Crouch : cancelable on whiff or hit
  • Close : special cancelable but slow, not really useful
  • Far : slow move but can be used as anti air against regular jumps : covers space in front of Rock
  • Jump : best jump-in with a wide hitbox


  • Stand: nothing special
  • Air: correct range


Command normals

? LP “Elbow spike

  • Looks like an AA but too slow to really be effective  this way
  • Special cancelable so useful in combos from a cl.C
  • Unsafe but slightly safer if not on its own

? LK “Parabola kick

  • Overhead
  • Cancelable on whiff by his command grab
  • Low invulnerability
  • Unsafe move


  qcfP “Reppuken[EX]

  • Projectile
  • C version travels faster than A version but is less safe
  • EX version is safe on block

QCB P “Hard edge[EX]

  • A version can be used as a zoning tool : might beat pokes
  • C version leads to a hard knockdown on hit and is a good combo finisher
  • EX version : wallbounce on hit

d~u P Rising tackle[EX]

  • Flashkick
  • A version : start up = full invincible ; comes out faster than C version
  • EX version : full invincibility ; 3F reversal
  • Very unsafe but can be stopped by pressing A+B (still unsafe though)

qcf K “Crack Counter[EX]

  • Counter
  • B version works on mid/high attacks
  • D version works only on low attacks
  • B and D version = hard knockdown on hit
  • EX version : faster, invincibility on start up, can lead to combos

QCB K “Rage Run

  • B version : run + overhead
  • D version : run only but switch side- can be cancelled
  • EX : faster ; can lead to combos

HCB fwd P “Shinkuu Nage[EX]

  • Command grab
  • Comes out quite slowly
  • Can lead to big combos (especially in back to corner position), after been stopped by pressing A+B
  • EX version : almost full invincibility on start up ; wallbounce on hit


Supers & Climax

qcf x2 P “Raging Storm” [Max]

  • Anti air
  • Reversal
  • MAX version : faster and more invincibility

qcf x2 K “Shinning Knuckle [Max]

  • Lvl. 1 only useful in combos
  • MAX version : faster and more invuln so can go through projectiles and whiff punish

qcfHCB PP “Neo Deadly Rave” Climax

  • Same utility as Shinning Knuckle lvl.2 but comes out slightly faster and a lot more damaging

Best combos


  •  0 bar : cl.C xx f.A xx qcb + C (195/210)
  •  1 bar : cl. C xx f.A xx qcb C xx qcfx2 P (339/210)
  •  2 bars : cl. C xx f.A xx [BC] xx cl. C xx f.A xx qcb + AC > qcb + A xx qcfx2 KK (515/320)
  •  3 bars : cl. C xx f.A xx qcb + A xx qcfx2 P xx qcfx 2 KK (599/190)
  •  4 bars : cl. C xx f.A xx qcb + A xx qcfx2 P xx qcf~hcb PP (682/190)
  •  5 bars : cl. C xx f.A xx qcb + A xx qcfx2 PP xx qcf~hcb PP (760/190)

No corner

  •  1 bar : cl. C xx f.A xx [BC] xx cl. C xx  qcf + AC > qcb + AC > qcb C (357/280)
  • 2 bars : cl. C xx f.A xx [BC] xx cl. C xx f.A xx qcb + AC > qcb + C xx qcfx2 KK (521/340)
  • 3 bars (anchor) : cl. C xx f.A xx [BC] xx cl. C xx qcf + AC > qcb + AC > qcb + C  xx qcf~hcb PP (612/280)
  • 5 bars : cl. C xx f.A xx [BC] xx cl. C xx  qcf + AC > qcb + AC > qcb C xx qcfx2 PP xx qcf~hcb PP (792/280)


  • 1 bar (anchor) : cl. C xx f.A xx [BC] xx cl. C xx f.A xx qcb + AC > qcf + AC > qcf + A > [d]~uAC (439/320)
  • 2 bars (anchor) : cl. C xx f.A xx [BC] xx cl. C xx f.A xx qcb + AC > qcf + AC > [d]~uC-AB > qcb + A xx qcfx2 KK (576/360)
  • 3 bars : cl. C xx f.A xx [BC] xx cl. C xx f.A xx qcb + AC > qcf + AC > qcf + A > [d]~uC-AB > qcb + A xx qcfx2 KK (601/360)
  • 4 bars : cl. C xx f.A xx [BC] xx cl. C xx f.A xx qcb + AC > qcf + AC > qcf + A > [d]~uC-AB > qcb + A xx qcfx2 P xx qcfx2 KK (691/420)
  • 5 bars (anchor) : cl. C xx f.A xx [BC] xx cl. C xx f.A xx qcb + AC > qcf + AC > qcf + A > [d]~uC -AB > qcb + A xx qcfx2 AC xx qcf~hcb PP (821/360)
 Combo list made from this video :





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