Benimaru Guide KOFXIV

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Best Position: Point Mid Anchor

Best Tools:

  • Air HK
  • cr LK



  • Official name for his grab is Collider but he says “Benimaru kore da!” which means “Here’s Benimaru!” More or less.



LP “Light Punch”

  • Crouch : fast ; special cancelable ; can chain ; good for pressure ; safe on block
  • Close : quick ; can chain ; special cancelable ; even on block
  • Far : hops stopper ; can chain ; might whiff on crouchers ; safe ; fast
  • Jump : air to air


LK “Light Kick”

  • Crouch : fastest normal ; safe on block ; can chain ; special cancelable ; use to confirm => good combo starter
  • Close : fast ; special cancelable ; can chain
  • Far :hops stopper ; poke ; can chain ; might whiff on crouchers ; safe
  • Jump : can cross up


HP “Heavy Punch”

  • Crouch : anti air ; special cancelable
  • Close : quick ; useful in combos ; special cancelable
  • Far : poke ; hop stoppers if timed early
  • Jump : jump in


HK “Heavy Kick”

  • Crouch : special cancelable sweep
  • Close :  quick ; useful in combos ; special cancelable ; safer than cl.C
  • Far : good poke  or MM starter ; quite slow ; lower body invincibility
  • Jump : air to air or jump in


HPHK “CD Blowback”

  • Stand: good range => poke
  • Air: ground to air

(Air) Bk or F + HP “Knee Drop”


Command Normals

? LK Jackknife Kick

  • Combos as a starter
  • Chains
  • beat lows
  • special cancelable

(In air) ? HK “Flying Drill”

  • dive kick
  • 3 hits if from normal jump / 2 hits if from hop
  • no knockdown


  • Combos into grab



1. qcfK “Iai-Geri[EX]

  • Poke
  • Quick : HK is 5f
  • Great range to punish moves
  • Hard to punish
  • D version is faster but more unsafe
  • EX version is faster and slightly more unsafe than D version

Notes: Follow with Inazuma Sandan-geri

2.   up- dwnK “Inazuma Sandan-Geri

  • very unsafe
  • soft knockdown
  • super cancelable
  • EX : more damaging

qcf+P “Raijinken” [EX]

  • projectile
  • can be done in air
  • stun briefly grounded opponent
  • soft knockdown vs jumping opponent
  • C version : slower ; whiff on crouching opponents ; slightly more unsafe
  • super cancelable
  • EX version : juggle ; quicker ; safe on block
  •  Air version : can be cancelled from all jumps in ; opponent briefly stunned ; might whiff on crouchers

 HCBFWD + P “Benimaru Collider”  [EX]

  • 1F command grab
  • can be comboed into
  • hard knockdown
  • EX version : more damaging

HCB P “Raimeitou ” [EX]

  • Poke but bery slow
  • C version : slower but safer on block ; travels further ; juggle
  • “Slash!”
  • EX  : projectile


Supers & Climax

qcf x2 P “Rai-Kou Ken ” [MAX]

  • more damaging and ranged raijinken
  • 5 hits
  • A version goes straight forward ; C version goes up forward
  • unsafe
  • hard knockdown
  • MAX version : faster ; deals more damage ; invincible ; can anti air

qcf K “Benimaru Rising Shot” [MAX]

  • quite quick
  • very unsafe
  • MAX version : more damaging


QCBHCFPP “Raiha Jin-Ou Ken” Climax

  • invincible
  • huge recovery


Best Combos

Optimal x bars 

Pole Position

  • H
  • damage


Mid position

  • damage







Notes sir.

Safe jump




Notes sir.


Frame Data

Since 2B ? 2D has a gap 4F, opp can not jump,
2D ? 6B ? C Thunder Braid ? 2B is not broken by normal technique because all gaps are 3F.
A Thunder Fist is also connected when it hits from a strong attack, and a gap of 1 F is available when guarding.
Since it is 2 hits, it is possible to SC confirmed hit by itself.
& Nbsp;

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