Shadowloo Showdown 2013 – Results
What an incredible weekend for the Australian FGC and KoF, as we saw Xian taking full honors this year. Results are as follows.
1. DM.MCZ|Xian (EX Iori/EX Kyo/Mr. Karate)
2. MCZ|Tokido (EX Iori/Mr. Karate/Kim)
3. WDM.MCZ|Luffy (Mai/King/Vice)
4. DM.MCZ|Jackson (Chin/Mr. Karate/Kim)
5. MCZ|Mago (Mr. Karate/EX Iori/Kim)
5. DM.MCZ|Gamble Boxer (EX Kyo/EX Iori/Kim)
7. Falco (Kensou/Clark/Andy)
7. ON|Colonov (Duo Lon/Benimaru/Kim, King/Duo Lon/Benimaru)
For anyone that didn’t see the stream or not wanting to rummage through the stream archive, vids on youtube can be seen below courtesy of KOFUNIONa11111357
Top 8 To Top 4
Top 4
If you are keen to go through casuals from Shadowlogic HQ, can also be seen below