The Draft 5 Tournament #kofxv

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The Draft 5 Tournament #kofxv

Ok, he said, when he really should have taken the opportunity to stay in bed instead, let’s do another draft mode tournament. But this time, we’re going to keep things smoothly running with no coin toss, no position switching, we’re just going to go with the default settings as SNK intended. Register here

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Hinako will be 5 days old by this point and likely not be patched, unless players find something absolutely game breaking; going by recent releases, SNK’s QA staff haven’t had cause to blush. It was more a case of fine tuning for the season 2 cast, but Duo Lon is expected to get a buff, which will be interesting to see- if it will satisfy players or cause more dissent.

Newest dlc aside, the question on everyone’s lips is whether season 3 will be announced for the holidays, not to mention the dates for SNK’s World Championships 2024. Plane tickets are not cheap…

Oh wait, I was supposed to be plugging the next draft tournament on the 18th November. Indeed, now that North Africa is barred from Challenger League, they haven’t much other international opportunity to showcase their talent. So we will be seeing from players such as Wolfman and Megaman, the downside being that some Europeans will refuse to play in such conditions. Welp, can’t please everyone but viewers will no doubt enjoy the barrage coming up.

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KOFXV has many game modes that bring variety and fun, one of them is the DRAFT mode. This tournament uses that format.  The first player will choose one character, the second player then chooses two.  Then the first player chooses their next character and then the second player picks their last character, then player one can pick their last.  It makes for fun viewing as the players try to counter pick each other, as only one player can take the strongest character, yes, that’s right, there are no mirrors, each character can only be picked ONCE.  There can only be one Hinako per match!!!

Match Format is FT2.  Player one is first to occupy the slot. Player may give up the slot if they wish, before or after first match.  

Here’s a 1minute clip to see it in action:

you can watch the last tournament, Draft 4, here.

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Players already registered include: Megaman, Wolfman01, Amazigh Legend, monobarracho, orochiX, Rinfate, Starbreak, Wivgar and Kerby

18 Nov 12:00 CET



I’ll update this post with more stuff ASAP.  Meanwhile I played GBVSR and Like a Dragon Gaiden on stream. Shocking, I know.

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Right here


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