The Draft 3 #kofxv 20th April PS4 Tournament

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The Draft 3 #kofxv 20th April PS4 Tournament

We had so much fun, with a controversial finish, we decided to open it to PS4 players on April 20 and then, back to PC in May.

  • Format 
  • Players
  • Livestream Schedule
  • Brackets

This tournament is supported by SNK. It is open for registration.

20 April 20:30 CET – DRAFT Tournament 3

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KOFXV has many game modes that bring variety and fun, one of them is the DRAFT mode. This tournament uses that format.  The first player will choose one character, the second player then chooses two.  Then the first player chooses their next character and then the second player picks their last character, then player one can pick their last.  It makes for fun viewing as the players try to counter pick each other, as only one player can take the strongest character, yes, that’s right, there are no mirrors, each character can only be picked ONCE.  There can only be one Krohnen per match!!!

Match Format is FT2.  Brackets will be shuffled live on stream, then simply the player at the top of each bracket will takes first place.  Matches will be fixed FT2. Players may change characters after a loss but winner stays in lobby position.  Final stages are FT2 and if time is running late, TO can rule sudden death.

This is a PS4/5 online tournament over the EUROPE region.  The PC tournament in May is EMEA.

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Featured players (in no particular order)


The SNK Regional EU Champ is here!

She also produces content to help players so check out her channels!



Top 3 Tournament Finalist at Stunfest and others!

Leona, Luong and now Angel specialist,

but maybe has some other tricks up his sleeve!!

Watch this player for some cool setplays!



The Signed by R veteran makes his return to the Orochinagi streams!

It’s been a while so it will be interesting to see if he’s still using Iori …



Another legend in the community will enter!

Fathi was one of the players strong enough to face Misterio at the finals, usually armed with King and Billy Kane!

It will great to see what he can do in KOFXV!


Zhen Chen

He said:
“I’m a big fan of kof, a very classic Asian style of game.”
and I’m not sure if he’s trying to be inflammatory

or if DeepL had some translation issues,

either way he’s registered for the Mix Up in Lyon,

so he’s itching for a good warm up.

But will tonight be too hot?



“Street Fighter 2x player from the caribbean.

You might have not noticed it,

but I already took a picture of you!”

Indeed, he has taken a lot of photos at events,

and I’m still waiting to see the UFA2022 set!


Also: Socras, LaDOSE SayaZianz, Hurricane237, Gunsmith and Sephiroth01 !

(Just waiting for pics and info to arrive)!

Still some spots open, but note that registration is capped at 16! There is a waiting list because some people will crash out due to life being life…

Thursday 20th April 20:30 CET


Your viewing experience will be enhanced by Gunsmith


  • One of Europe’s best commentators (kek)

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Challonge can be a bit weird with embedding. Here’s the direct link if the display below is not working.

To know when it’s your turn to play, simply join the chat on stream.

Thanks to SNK, all the players, and YOU.

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