(updated) EU Online Tournament 22 Sep

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(updated) EU Online Tournament 22 Sep

   FGC News,kof ,,,   September 22, 2016  No Comments

Updated with results!

Bracket! <<


Remember there were 3 streams, different matches happened on each stream to make the tournament run faster.

However… PSN gave us serious issues with finding rooms and connections.  The online is not stable at the moment…   Still, got some good matches in.

First: youtube replays

Dogesmith’s full stream including Grand Finals

Youtube from KINGJAE


King Jae’s twitch replays: here and here

Chrisax59 … coming soon …


Winner gets LAST BLADE on steam, courtesy of SNK.

Starts 9 pm UK time 10 pm French Time

Challonge + registration here or ask me in the room.

There will be THREE streams, showing different matches!  So keep an eye on each room and the bracket!

We are still taking participants!  We can open another room if needed!

Please search for “Tournament”

Room 1 is “Tournament EU ON”

Room is already nearly full!  Please use the streams to spectate, if the room is full and we need players to join, you will be kicked.


So we expect a fast and frantic finish!

Tournament 16 Sep Results

You can see last week’s tournament here, plus brackets are here

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