#KOFXIV Tournament Streaming Now on Godsgarden in Japan #KSB #KVO #TSB

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#KOFXIV Tournament Streaming Now on Godsgarden in Japan #KSB #KVO #TSB

Scheduled to start now is the grand event in Osaka, notably with a KOF14 tournament, with hours of freeplay as a crash course introduction. How will these players fare in this crazy day 1 tournament? Tune into the stream below to find out! Top players are also in attendance!

I will be restreaming this in English later on today.

  • 29April -1st May KSB (KVOxTSB) Tournament in Osaka
  • KSB Brackets

    KOF 14 Stream will run SATURDAY 30 APR 10:00 – 18:00 JST on Godsgarden .  

    The first few hours will be training for the 124 participants!!

    Full schedule


    Watch live video from Godsgarden on www.twitch.tv

    Winners will get special illustrations provided by SNK!


    Other Events Coming Up

    STUNFEST 2016

    Orochinagi will be streaming KOF pools and sponsoring!!

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    Button Czech

    Button Czech

    Buttonczech takes place in Prague on the weekend of 6th to 8th May 2016.

    Don’t hesitate and head right to Registration. We’re looking forward to see you!

    Toryuken 5

    Over in Canada, TORYUKEN 5 is coming on May 20th-22nd of 2016.

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