#KOFXIV Cast Full Reveal, Press Conference, Release Date, PAX Footage

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#KOFXIV Cast Full Reveal, Press Conference, Release Date, PAX Footage

Full Cast Reveal

Currently at the Press Conference in Tokyo before the Stream, check out this photo by Charlie

There’s also info on Premium Books, Classic Kyo AND A KOF STICK (that explains all the Hori sticks at the event)

And who’s this?

Sakamoto kun?

Release Date?

Famitsu has reported that the game will be released Aug 25!

PAX Footage

Will Play aka Katy Parry has put together his footage for KOFXIV with an overview of his thoughts on the game. Check it out just below.

The SNK Stream should be starting here:

Watch live video from SNKofficial on www.twitch.tv

and people are already swarming the chat :3

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