Xian challenges Lupe to #KOFXIV !!!

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Xian challenges Lupe to #KOFXIV !!!

First some quick news:

Good news! Friday will be your #Lastchance to enter a solo tournament in #CWC2016 , the first Capcom Pro Tour Event of 2016!

First Notice: Czech it out! The FGC is rising up in the Czech Republic!  More info coming soon! Give them your support!


Earlier, Xian got to talking to Lupe.

For some reason, the conversation turned to KOF.

Lupe mentions how Kim’s DM is in his top 5 moves of all time.

Then Zhi chips in with some totally not bait comment

Xian responds with UPPING THE ANTE

Lupe gives out some friendly advice….

and then simply adds

And THEN, Mark Man steps in with the Don King wig and calls for a match up at EVO – totally going with the rumour of a KOFXIV stand at EVO2016, which has not in any way been confirmed!

Somehow, this is happening.

While Xiaohai is known for KOF98 one handed play, have you seen Xian doing HD combos with one hand? Looks like a new legend has come to light!!!

More news as it happens!


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The first stop on the CPT Tour 2016.

CWC [ Facebook Page ] – [ Website ]


…. more info soon

[ facebook ] – [ site ]
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Orochinagi: Tokyo, Japan

March 19 Shinjuku Playland Carnival

More info soon….



It’s hard to imagine how all these games will fit into one weekend, but it will be done.  And while other events have “moved on” HS will still feature “dead” games, such as SF4 Ultra.

HYPESPOTTING V [ Facebook Page ] – [ Website ]

Want to win one? FIGHT FOR IT AT HYPESPOTTING! Or enter the pub quiz ^^


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