Square Enix & SNK reach settlement

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Square Enix & SNK reach settlement

Early this morning in Japan, Square Enix announced they had reached an amicable settlement with SNK Playmore, which actually became effective on the 24th August.

Amicable means they settled on an outcome that both parties were happy with.
SNK has withdrawn their criminal complaint, which has been accepted by the Osaka District Prosector’s Office.
Both companies and Ledo Millennium (SNK’s majority shareholder) agreed to settle disputes quickly in order to enable the “creation of new business opportunities utilizing each company’s content.”

The accused manga, High Score Girl will continue without threat of further litigation.  Square Enix has also withdrawn their counter suit.

What could this mean?

  • Square Enix didn’t see a good possibility of winning and was happy to settle
  • Square Enix just didn’t want to waste time with legal battles and was happy to settle
  • SNK didn’t want to settle but rather win a court battle but was pushed by Ledo, using their majority status.
  • SNK was happy to settle as a second best outcome, rather than losing to the counter suit
  • The settlement is still in SNK’s favour if they get an agreement that results in crossover titles, licenses etc between the two companies
  • More SNK characters featuring (or not) in High Score Girl
  • Crossover or joint projects between the two companies

What really happened at the settlement, we’ll probably never know, but at any rate, this episode is now over and both companies can focus on producing high quality gaming products.

Source: MMCAFE and thanks to the Professor for the news!


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