Summer Battle feat. Misterio #KOF #FGCYearbook #EVO2015 Submissions

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Summer Battle feat. Misterio #KOF #FGCYearbook #EVO2015 Submissions

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Misterio will still be in Morocco and for perhaps his last tournament, will join in for a grand tournament at the Ecole of InfoDesign on the 1st August 2015.

It’s gonna be an all day job from 9am but ending at 8pm.

It’s very likely Tom Sawyer and Frionel will be there, so all kinds of revenge for Stunfest will be here again.

Should be a blast!

Event organised by the Morocco Organisation of Video Games and VS Fighting Morocco.


– 64 Player Cap
– Double élimination
– Pools of mini-bracket winner/losers, top 4 go through.

[ Facebook page ]

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Watch live video from vsfmorocco on

[ Brackets ]


#FGCYearbook #EVO2015 Submissions

Yup, I’ll be working on this only during August. It’s far too much work, although fun.

So, if you have any memories, shoutouts, anything you really want to share and put down in history, photos, records, proof about what really happened with that money match, drop a comment, I’ll reach out to you.

This applies to all the games played at EVO.

Oh and other events too of course!

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