Winter Showdown II Stream KOF ’98 UMFE Giveaway!!

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Winter Showdown II Stream KOF ’98 UMFE Giveaway!!

   FGC News,kof ,   January 7, 2015  No Comments


Yes! You heard(read if you’re a smart-ass) it right! We’re gifting away a KOF ’98 UMFE for Steam on The Kings of Co Stream!

I want it! You may say. Here’s what you have to do to get it:

1. Tune in to the Winter Showdown II Stream at the stream above any time that KOF is being streamed!

2. Wait for a random time drawing of a number that will be drawn from the number of viewers at the time of the drawing*.

* To make this fair, at the time of the drawing, I will take a screenshot(s) of the people viewing the stream at the time of the drawing. We will announce the winner as soon as he/she is determined. The number will come from a random number generator and it will correspond to number(in order) of Viewers 1 to x. The time of drawing will also be random during the KOF tournament stream on 1/10/15!

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