1st Asia Clash Tournament results [KOF98UM] @ Arcade cafe, Dubai

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1st Asia Clash Tournament results [KOF98UM] @ Arcade cafe, Dubai

10846289_399486443533621_4006571166387070482_nThe 1st Asia Clash KOF98UM tournament sponsored by Arcade Cafe  was held in Dubai, UAE on Friday 5th December 2014

The tournament featured guest players from Taiwan (ET & Boazi), Pakistan (Kashif Yagami, Hammad & Kamran), Bahrain (Hani, Yousef & Alansary)  in addition to the local KOF community

Congratulations to The Taiwanese Team for winning the first Asia Clash tournament

unfortunately there were some difficulties for streaming the tournament.

Below are some of the matches recorded during the event:







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