Metal Slug X Steam Stream Key Giveaway #KOF13 #KOF98UM

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Metal Slug X Steam Stream Key Giveaway #KOF13 #KOF98UM

   kof ,,   October 4, 2014  22 Comments

The Orochinagi Show

Yes, that podcast stream with the name you can’t pronounce is BACK!

Hey guys, I’ll be playing Metal Slug X on stream for the FIRST TIME EVER on Steam. WATCH ME DIE! I’ll also be testing the netcode, so if you wanna play with, hit me up!

I’ll also get beat up by Europeans on KOF13, so if you would like to become a famous online warrior, get online and I’ll see you there! (EU Region 3 bars pls)

(I now have fibre optic with 20mb upload so it should be ok…)

It will be broadcast on twitch and youtube tonight at midnight french time / 11pm UK

Metal Slug X steam code (or two) to be given away LIVE! Join in the show!

Also lined up:

  • News discussion
  • KOF98UM
  • Anime Discussion
  • Dark Souls


Watch live video from Gunsmith_ON on

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