#MetalSlugX replays and Russian Stream today #Uniel #KOF13 #Steam

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#MetalSlugX replays and Russian Stream today #Uniel #KOF13 #Steam

   kof   October 5, 2014  1 Comment

Metal Slug X

Did you miss the Steam Key giveaway? There’s another chance today.

Here’s me playing it for the first time ever! Watch me die!
… and skip forward about 5 mins to get through the intro junk.

KOF13 Online Netcode Fibre Optic Test

Just to show you what netplay looks like with Fibre Optic from England to France…



There’s another chance to win a METAL SLUG X KEY, after a bit of UNIEL streaming in Russia!

Tune in here Streaming at 14:00 GMT+2 (French time) 1pm UK time

Or Get Metal Slug X from Steam now!

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