FT10 sets in São Paulo, Brazil

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FT10 sets in São Paulo, Brazil

People around here have been playing a lot of sets lately, and player MTVi has been recording some of them whenever he has the chance. Here’s the first batch of videos, more coming in the future.

Magueza (Terry, Andy, Mr. Karate, Kim, Iori) vs MTVi (EX Kyo, Mature, Saiki, Elisabeth)

MTVi (EX Kyo, Mature, Saiki, Elisabeth) vs Kang (Kensou, King, Hwa Jai)

AlucardSP (Billy, Clark, Ralf) vs MTVi (EX Kyo, Mature, Saiki, Elisabeth)

EdiPops (Joe, Maxima, Takuma, Chin) vs MTVi (Leona, EX Kyo, Mature, Saiki, Elisabeth)

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