Dundee Attack Updates & TST interview replays

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Dundee Attack Updates & TST interview replays

Dundee Attack

Janitor reports on the P4U Season up in Dundee
p4u dundee



Tournament Standard Time


Presented by General Skirmish, featuring ON|BigFool, ON|Gunsmith and Bubblan, talking about KOF in England, Scotland, France and Sweden, upcoming tournaments, transitioning to Persona, reminiscing about the arcades (AGAIN), netcode killing the scene and more, inherent lag, CVS3 and more.

I grievously forgot to mention that England =/ London and vice versa, quick shout outs to Bristol and the Sodium Showdown crew (what happened to all that? No tweets since August 2012) and Super Miner Battle Farm…  Plus I have to make a correction, not all the arcades in Japan have lag.  There is one arcade that uses CRT and has zero lag: Nisshinippori.

Watch live video from thepeoplesstream on TwitchTV

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