3ON3 Replay and Results

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3ON3 Replay and Results



  • Shinkwawa: Shen / Billy/ Ryo
  • Chris: Terry/ Gunsmith: Clark/ Pharoan: Hwa
  • Frionel: Duo Lon / Tom Sawyer: Chin / Lord Med: Clark
  • Salad: Athena / Comisir: Raiden / Prisca: EX Iori
  • Tarma: Billy / Jerome: Joe / Fox: Ryo
  • Drico: Kensou / Defi: Ryo / Samba: Iori

Looks like

What I liked most about this event? More guys wanting to practise again. This event is even better when you put an experienced player to encourage his team mates and give advice. You need to have players who care about the scene and not their own glory – a job in itself xD

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