@Haregoro @Koukoupanda Tenga Yukiichi Matches Gamespot21 20130209

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@Haregoro @Koukoupanda Tenga Yukiichi Matches Gamespot21 20130209

   FGC News ,,   February 22, 2013  1 Comment

These are a series of matches that have been held and recorded at the Game Spot 21 arcade in the already appointed date.

Original upload by nico user ???? , the niconico mylist for this event was this one : http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/35946936

Title : KOFXIII CL ?????Game Spot21(2013?02?09 )

Source : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20127018

Description : 2013?2?9????”Game Spot21″?????????????????

“Spot21”???KOF XIII Climax?100?2??????????????????????http://www.spot21.com/?


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