Commentator Awards 2012

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Commentator Awards 2012

Who’s your favourite?

Is it the guy that screams all day? Is the one with the nice accent? Or is it the one who knows the frame data? Is the one that can go nuts without swearing, or do you prefer the one cursing till the air turns blue?

For sure, a pair is best. But which two? Which two would be your dream? Which two are deserving of the Commentator Awards 2012?

Let’s have a look at the nominees: Here are the top 8 (in random order) that gained the most votes on a poll in the KOF13 Tournament Players Group.




(with Hellpockets)

Elric Everett

Tasty Steve

(with Hotpockets)

The Answer

Juicebox KOF


Now cast your vote for your TOP TWO favourite commenters.

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