KoF XIII Climax – Official Arcade Update

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KoF XIII Climax – Official Arcade Update

   FGC News   February 6, 2012  16 Comments

It’s official, the arcade version of KoF XIII will get an update to the console port, making it KoF XIII Climax.

Expect all the updates the console currently has to date, including the newest DLC’s EX kyo and EX Takuma. No new info whether there will be any further updates.

Location test are scheduled for Feb 11th and 12th at varies spots in Japan. ( Source – Famitsu )

Edit: added location spots thanks to the Professor:

Tokyo: Club Sega Akihabara Shinkan (#6 on map) http://tempo.sega.jp/am/akiba-new/

Osaka: Sega Nanba Avion http://tempo.sega.jp/am/avion/

Would be a great time to congratulate everyone who has supported the console version of the game, making this arcade port a reality.

Updates as it happens…


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