KOF XIII Preview and Loketest

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KOF XIII Preview and Loketest

   FGC News   March 18, 2010  1 Comment


Like Stated, KOF XIII will have a Special Preview at the First Floor of Belle Salle Hall in Akihabara on Iori Yagami’s Birthday (March 25th) around 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM (Japan Standard Time) or (9:00 AM – 10:30 AM GMT).

Admission is free, but it will be open by 5:00 PM (JST)/8:00 AM (GMT) and the first 100 visitors will simply get a KOF XIII thermal glass as a special present.

Present in the Event are Haruna Ikezawa (Athena Asamiya) and Mitsuhiro Ichiki of (Haruo Yoshikawa of Magikano fame, will he be just an emcee or will he voice in the game as well?). Also, Idol Sayuki Matsumoto will appear as a Special Guest in the Preview Event.

On the next day up to the 28th, there will be a 1st Loketest of the game at Hey in Akihabara.

We just hope we will get more infos in this up and coming events.

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