the #SylviePaulaPaula roundup! #KOFXV

*update with some new attack patterns and fixed some tweets that weren’t displaying *updated with streams! Art, combos, framedata and some attack patterns for SNK’s newest dlc character. In only a day, her trailer has half the views of Kim’s!  She has a new crossup C, a new command throw,…

Sylvie 1v1 Tournament + Neogeonow Interview!

The Sylvie Fan Frenzy has begun! She’s less whacky, more cute, and with a new costume, new moves, a crossup attack and new command throw, she may well be top tier!  This Saturday we’ll focus entirely on her with a singles tournament with ONLY Sylvie players!

Sylvie by hiomaika

   gallery   December 23, 2017  No Comments

Sylvie Paula Paula is such a cutie, but last time I tried to color her on pc I had one of the worst coloring blocks I ever had jd,sfjfkls — ??? [DEADx?] (@hiomaika) December 22, 2017