Sylvie Guide – KOF XIV

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Sylvie Paula Paula

TEAM Official Invitation


Summary: v2 gave her a serious buff then patch nerfed her. Her juggles are now limited and the combos changed.

This should give you an idea of what she’s capable of in v2.0.1

Best Position: Point Mid Anchor

Best Tools:


Bio: One of the last remnants of NESTS, the beautiful young girl Sylvie was considered useless by the secret society until the day she demonstrated the extent of her electromagnetic powers. After the collapse of NESTS, she was scouted by the KOF tournament organizer during an underground fighting event.


  • She’s not actually an idol but you can treat her as one
  • aka Sylvie Paulo Paulo



LP “Light Punch”

  • Crouch :
  • Stand :
  • Far :
  • Hop :
  • Jump : same



LK “Light Kick”

  • Crouch :
  • Stand :
  • Far :
  • Hop :
  • Jump : same



HP “Heavy Punch”

  • Crouch :
  • Stand :
  • Far :
  • Hop :
  • Jump : same



HK “Heavy Kick”

  • Crouch :
  • Stand :
  • Far :
  • Hop :
  • Jump : same



HPHK “CD Blowback”

  • Stand:
  • Air:


Command Normals

? LPname”

  • Overhead


?LK “name”

  • Won’t cancel out of chain


?? P “Hikiokoshi”

  • Use after Headbutt or Rolling Sobat

bk fwd dwn df ufdb ub db-uf qcf QCB qcbHCF hcf HCB DP RDP.360 HCBFWD QCFHCB QCBHCF flashkicksonicboom hcfbk holddown up- dwn qcdqcbd ddf



P “name” [EX]

  • Poke/anti/counter/grab
  • S5,A20,R14
  • It’s…
  • EX is…



P “name” [EX]

  • Poke/anti/counter/grab
  • S5,A20,R14
  • It’s…
  • EX is…



P “name” [EX]

  • Poke/anti/counter/grab
  • S5,A20,R14
  • It’s…
  • EX is…


Supers & Climax

HCB x2 P “name [Max]

  • Type
  • Max version is..
  • .


QCBHCFK “name”

  • A


HCBx2 KK “name” Climax

  • Notes


Best Combos


cr LK > cr LP > qcfLP
cr LK > cr LP > qcfLP >qcfLP
HK > fwd LK xx qcfqcfLK
HK > fwd LK > MM > HK qcf PP > qcfqcf+LK
fwd LK > MM > HK >qcfPP > qcfKK >qcfqcf+PP
*HK does more damage than HP



  • Safe qcfLK pressure
  • Fast anti air
  • Many moves juggle
  • Climax mind games
  • cl st LK hits low
  • Air LK diving angle kick

Whacky in moves, not just appearance, she may well turn out to be very strong. Lots of her moves cause juggle states.

Her stand LP seems extremely fast and her fwd LP causes a juggle state – add that to cancellable specials and we have a recipe for certainly colourful explosions.

She can combo her stand LK, which hits low, into her overhead, fwd LK into a super or max mode, making for crazy mind games where she doesn’t need to crouch at all.

Her qcf LK seems completely safe on block. Opp can roll out, if not, you can throw back any throw attempt.

qcb P may look slow but it causes a juggle state.

Sylvie can counter a jump attack with qcb +LP xx super

Sylvie has a variety of animations, check out her walking backwards and forwards, her somersaults, and crouching!

She doesn’t have much range on her sweep, however.


In EX mode, the move that sets up more combos is her qcf+LPHP. Follow this with any other special (apart from rdp K) and cancel it into a super.

Her qcf KK special adds an OTG juggle state so you can combo with qcf x2 P!

OTG Level 2! Her Level 2 Super can hit a fallen opponent!


Her climax seems to allow TWO juggle hits. After climax hits, jump HK, qcb +LP xx super which is in total THREE juggles!

If you’re wondering about using her Climax as a wake up reversal, please note that it seems around 8 frames and the Climax flash will freeze opponents mid move – if they don’t do a move, they will be safe [ video below ]





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