Love Heart Guide KOFXIV

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Love Heart

TEAM Another World



Best Position: Point Mid Anchor

Best Tools:

  • crouching HP





LP “Light Punch”

  • Crouch :
  • Stand :
  • Far :
  • Hop :
  • Jump : same



LK “Light Kick”

  • Crouch :
  • Stand :
  • Far :
  • Hop :
  • Jump : same



HP “Heavy Punch”

  • Crouch : Excellent
  • Stand :
  • Far :
  • Hop :
  • Jump : same



HK “Heavy Kick”

  • Crouch :
  • Stand :
  • Far :
  • Hop :
  • Jump : same



HPHK “CD Blowback”

  • Stand:
  • Air:


Command Normals

bk LK “Love Heel

  • hits low
  • OTG



qcfP “Rush Heart[EX]

  • Poke/anti/counter/grab
  • LP has tiny invincibility
  • It’s…
  • EX is…



qcfK “Sky Anchor[EX]

  • Poke
  • Invincibility
  • HP has more range and is slower
  • EX is faster with multiple hits
  • Use this in combos and after juggles and then follow with b LK


DPP “Rising Heart[EX]

  • Anti
  • Slow but 1f causes low profile
  • HP has more range and is slower
  • EX is faster with multiple hits


QCBP “Peace Slash” [EX]

  • Poke/anti/counter/grab
  • S5,A20,R14
  • It’s…
  • EX is…




Supers & Climax

qcf x2 P “Elison Wave” [Max]

  • The LP has a higher hit box and is used for juggles
  • HP has lower and should be used for combos


qcf x2 K “Sky Love Heart” [Max]

  • Diving Kick
  • Does more damage than Elision Wave in the corner!


HCB x2 PP “Senku Buster Sword” 

  • Invincible!
  • 6f
  • GREAT!

Best Combos

Optimal x bars 

Pole Position

1 bar

From far LK xx MM

  • HP, b LK, qcf KK, qcf PP, qcf LP
  • damage 328
  • corner HP, b LK, qcf KK, qcf PP, dp HP
  • damage 342
  • the scaling is insane…

2 bars

  • after qcf LP add qcfx2 LK > 419
  • after qcf PP do qcb LK xx qcf x2 LP = 412
  • you wanted to do the elision wave combo? ok
  • > HP, qcb HP 2hit xx qcfx2 HP
  • 369 dmg
  • or skip all that and just do
  • HP, b LK, qcf KK, qcfx2 K, b K 
  • 436 (remember the b K is a OTG)



Mid position

  • damage







Strategy & Tech

Being a simple character, Love Heart can make use of the priority of buttons.  Going into max mode using a macro, she can keep tapping this button to complete a combo!


HP xx [Max Button] > [Max Button] > qcb [Max Button] xx qcfx2 [Max Button]

This becomes HP xx MM > HP > qcb HP xx qcfx2 PP and nets a nice 436 damage



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