Kim Guide KOFXIV

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Notable Players:

Summary: When Kim activates, people block in fear of the blindingly fast EX Hangetsuzan, as when that hits, a chain of destruction undoubtedly follows.  Kim can also harass safely with stand HK and has a chainable crouch LK for easy confirms.

Check out this FT10 between 777 and arguably the best in Japan, M’.  While 777 eventually loses, you will see how Kim is not to taken lightly!!!


Best Position: Anchor

Best Tools:

  • stand HK
  • qcb K
  • crouch LK

Bio:  Kim is a very serious person with a strong and inherent sense of justice. As an expert in Tae kwon do, he can stop any opponent attempt with his unpunishable kicking techniques. Kim is convinced that Tae kwon do is the strongest fighting art, and wants to tell the world about it!

Misc: For Justice!


LP “Light Punch”

  • Crouch : 4f +1 so use this to harass
  • Stand : 5f
  • Far : 5f
  • Hop : 5f At close range, start attacking with this. It has more fun with large characters.
  • Jump : same



LK “Light Kick”

  • Crouch : 4f chains into itself nicely for easy confirms > st. LK > ?? LP > etc
  • Stand : 4f
  • Far : 6
  • Hop : 5
  • Jump : same


HP “Heavy Punch”

  • Crouch : 7f
  • Stand : 5f
  • Far : 10f +2
  • Hop : 10f seems long but in fact its animation is obvious and then forces opponent to block, so use it early after leaving the ground.
  • Jump : same


HK “Heavy Kick”

  • Crouch : 8f
  • Stand :  4F best combo starter
  • Far : Super tool! Goes over sweeps! Double hit! 6/17f
  • Hop : 8f decent angle for combos
  • Jump : same



HPHK “CD Blowback”

  • Stand: 15f
  • Air: 12f Fast and effective hitbox!


Command Normals

? LK “Naeryo Chagi” 

  • 21f Overhead


?? + LP “Twio Yop Chagi”

  • cancels, ex cancels, super cancels
  • Use to close up the distance after knockdown ; scary!  After throw into corner, do this, then standing blowback.
  • 11f




QCB K “Hangetsuzan [EX]

  • Poke
  • LK 16f – punish anticipated sweeps
  • HK 17f
  • EX 10f
  • Air LK 15f
  • Air HK 17f
  • Air EX 15f
  • causes juggle

Notes: The unexpected Hangetsuzan is what kills.  Cancel your moves into it randomly.  Sweep cancel is a good one.  The EX is the move that terrifies players.  Try it after jumping back, or before landing, or during a backdash!  Then, combo it into ?? LP >  rush super.



flashkick  LK “Hienzan” [EX]

  • Anti Air / Reversal aka Flash Kick
  • LK 4f
  • HK 6f
  • EX 3f an excellent reversal
  • super cancels


(air) qcf“Hishou Kyaku”[EX]

  • Poke
  • 10f LK or HK
  • EX 13f
  • causes juggle


Supers & Climax

QCBHCF K “Houou Kyaku”  [Max]

  • Rush Attack
  • 11f Max 5f
  • Best used in combos


qcfx2 K “Houou Hiten Kyaku”

  • LK 9f
  • HK 12
  • Max 8f
  • Causes Juggle


QCBHCFx2 PP “Zero-Shiki Houou Kyaku” Climax

  • 5f
  • Invincible start up
  • Use in combos
  • Great (expensive) anti air/ punish


Best Combos

cr. B xx cr. B xx cr. B xx [d]~u D – d. D = 193/230
cl. C xx qcb D = 178/190

Near Corner
CD > f~f A xx air qcb B > [d]~u B = 213/340

cl. C xx qcb B > [d]~u D – d. D = 242/270

cr. B xx cr. B xx cr. B xx [d]~u B xx air qcb~hcf K = 281/150
cl. C xx qcb D xx qcfx2 B > (delay) f~f A xx air qcb D = 359/390
[d]~u D xx air qcb~hcf K = 237/80

cl. C xx qcb D xx qcfx2 B > (delay) f~f A xx air qcb B > [d]~u D – d. D = 429/510

Starter > cl. C xx qcb BD > (delay) f~f A xx air qcb BD > [d]~u B = 314-342/300
Starter > cl. C xx qcb BD > (delay) f~f A xx air qcb BD > [d]~u BD = 356-396/240

Starter > cl. C xx qcb BD > f~f A xx air qcb B > [d]~u BD = 346-382/340

cr. B xx cr. B xx cr. B xx [d]~u B xx air qcb~hcf BD = 389/150
cl. C xx qcb D xx qcfx2 B > f~f A xx air qcb D xx air qcb~hcf K = 466/390
[d]~u D xx air qcb~hcf BD = 351/80

cl. C xx qcb D xx qcfx2 B > (delay) f~f A xx air qcb B > [d]~u D xx air qcb~hcf K = 508/450

Starter > cl. C xx qcb BD > f~f A xx air qcb D xx air qcb~hcf BD = 470-488/360
Starter > cl. C xx qcb BD > (delay) f~f A xx air qcb BD > [d]~u B xx air qcb~hcf BD = 512/300

Starter > cl. C xx qcb BD > qcb B > [d]~u D xx air qcb~hcf BD = 484-506/300
Starter > cl. C xx qcb BD > f~f A xx (delay) air qcf BD xx qcb B > [d]~u D xx air qcb~hcf BD = 520-560/380

cl. C xx qcb D xx qcfx2 B > (delay) f~f A xx air qcb D xx qcb~hcf BD = 558/390

cl. C xx qcb D xx qcfx2 B > (delay) f~f A xx air qcb B > [d]~u D xx air qcb~hcf BD = 602/450

Starter > cl. C xx qcb BD > qcb B xx qcb~hcf AC = 521-546/220
Starter > cl. C xx qcb BD > (delay) f~f A xx air qcb BD > qcb~hcf AC = 564-585/240

Starter > cl. C xx qcb BD > f~f A xx air qcb B > qcb~hcf AC = 545-565/340
Starter > cl. C xx qcb BD > f~f A xx (delay) air qcf BD xx qcb D xx qcb~hcf AC = 591-614/360

4 Bar
cl. C xx qcb D xx qcfx2 BD > f~f A xx air qcb D xx air qcb~hcf BD = 624/390

cl. C xx qcb D xx qcfx2 BD > f~f A xx air qcb B > [d]~u B xx air qcb~hcf BD = 657/430

Starter > cl. C xx qcb BD > qcb B xx qcfx2 BD > f~f A xx air qcb B > [d]~u B xx air qcb~hcf BD = 620-672/460
Starter > cl. C xx qcb BD > f~f A xx (delay) air qcf BD xx qcb D xx qcfx2 BD > f~f A xx air qcb B > [d]~u B xx air qcb~hcf BD = 648-683/560

5 Bar
cl. C xx qcb D xx qcfx2 BD > qcb B xx qcb~hcf AC = 682/250

cl. C xx qcb D xx qcfx2 BD > f~f A xx air qcb B > qcb~hcf AC = 701/370

Starter > cl. C xx qcb BD > (delay) f~f A xx air qcb BD > [d]~u B xx air qcb~hcf BD (10) xx qcb~hcf AC = 658-686/300
Starter > cl. C xx qcb BD > f~f A xx (delay) air qcf BD xx qcb D xx qcfx2 BD > f~f A xx air qcb B > qcb~hcf AC = 717-758/500



Optionally sit down and charge your Hienzan!

Far distance:
dance around with hop CD, HP

Hop HP / move closer with HK

Close distance
Crouch LK then attack with hop HP and try to crossup with air LP

After knockdown, mix your crossup air LP / crouch LK  / overhead

Activate and do random EX Hangetsuzan combos, mix with throws.

Safe jump


Remember that Leona’s slasher is not so quick.

Same for Andy

Don’t try it versus Kula, however

Punishing Meitenkun normally and in Maxmode

Punishing Chang

Chang’s hop LPs can be countered

Mian can be annoying but if you have meter…

Big characters such as Antonov, Dino, Daimon, Xanadu, Chang, Maxima and even Vice, fall prey to Kim’s hop LP

Punishing Verse’s reverse cancel

Punish Geese’s flowchart sweep

Punish Alice going for an overhead

Punish Robert going for command kick

Punish Gang Il overhead attempt (hope you are fast!)

Punish Gang-il trying to break guard with hop LP after auto pilot max mode


Slightly crazy read to punish Iori’s crossup attempt after auto Max Mode

Iori on the rampage? Flash kick and don’t look back!

Meaty set ups


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