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Final Stupid Guide for Arcade Tourists in Hong Kong

   FGC News ,   March 2, 2010  10 Comments

Please note this was written in 2010 PenPen here for the final installment of the (M)SGUATHK series. If you haven’t read the first two parts, it’s okay, I forgive you – check out the first part here, and the second part here. We’re going to wrap things up over at…

More Stupid Guide for Unsuspecting Arcade Tourists in Hong Kong

   FGC News ,   January 28, 2010  No Comments

Please note this was written in 2010… PenPen again for more inane rambling about why you should check out Hong Kong arcades! If you haven’t read the first one on the basics (and the all important KOF), I implore that you take a gander here. Seeing that it’s the internets,…

Stupid Guide for Unsuspecting Arcade Tourists in Hong Kong

   FGC News   January 16, 2010  10 Comments

Please note this was written in 2010. PenPen here! Aside from checking out electronics stores which is totally designed to ripoff tourists and weekly protests along with the recent occasional acid-bottles-tossed-from-buildings, Hong Kong is generally regarded as a pretty nice tourist location. But, if you are considering checking out the…

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