The Canada Cup Concerns #SNKWCS

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The Canada Cup Concerns #SNKWCS

A lot of players complained about bad conditions which was due to poor organisation and communication. However these conditions won’t be the same for the next CC.  Will it be enough to bring the players back? That’s another question.  What really concerns playes is that this year, Canada Cup has been announced as part of the SNK World Championships.  Should players be concerned?  Let’s go through reports.

First of all, the NeoGeo World Tour was not streamed AT ALL and poorly managed.

From reading, DBZ was also not streamed.   No headphones on main stage setups was also mentioned.  The volunteers were treated badly. An account of what happened from Reddit, an account of broken promises and a mess of organisation How Canada Cup 2018 Treated its Volunteers

Payments were late to players, as posted by the organisers themselves.  Bad logistics as evidenced in photos  “too many” Smash setups and not enough SFV/Tekken setups, worse because it was part of the EGXL space. Cramped. A smoke machine irritating players.  Tournament ran late.

Complaints about EGXL and CC not working together as mentioned in this video plus the following:

  • venue closed before expected and players were confused about times, it was supposed to be 24hour but EGXL closed up at 6pm, Security didn’t know and kicked everyone out. They opened up again later, but many players had given up.
  • max capacity on Saturday meant Security stopped people coming in so that tournament players couldn’t attend their match. Even Daigo Umehara had to wait outside.
  • not enough volunteers and untrained / unpaid (and therefore some unsurprisingly didn’t turn up or walked out)
  • Projector was turned off mid match, not under organiser control
  • Players said they wont come back
  • Stream had various problems and SFV Top 8 was streamed in Japanese only
  • There was a limo for VIPs… versus unpaid volunteers
  • Hotel was upset with levels of noise- they weren’t made aware of this?

In the end, the video poster still wants CC to continue and just fix the mistakes.

More complaints from this post of Reddit, notably how the schedule was not available until a week before.

Some feedback tweets

NOTE that they have MOVED the 2019 venue to Calgary at the Deerfoot Casino with 25,000 sq ft.

As of publishing date, the inclusion of the qualifying spot has not been mentioned on their summary page but it on their website.

In the end it seems that most problems actually come from the merger of EGLX, and from personal experience, it’s clear that a commercial show and a fgc tournament certainly have different expectations, to say the least…

Still, it seems fair that SNK should ask/ or expect:

  1. streaming top 8
  2. minimum number of setups, between 4-8 (more depending on registration numbers)
  3. main stage finals / trophies presented on main stage

Obviously they should also try to have:

  1. A decent time start for top 4 (not 8am Sunday morning)
  2. logistics planned and adjusted according to player registration
  3. schedule and venue information available as quickly as possible

With these conditions, players, and not just SNK, could be reassured to come to this event.  However it seems that many will only remember the bad experiences. 

These concerns have been sent to SNK but they’ve already made their decision and included Canada Cup on the SNK World Championships so it may be too late to do anything about it.

We hope that the Canada Cup organisers have taken note of the problems and feedback and will fix things for this year.  They did post an apology on their site.  They have moved location and it seems like they are not working with another organisation / convention / show.  It should be better.  We hope for the best.  Otherwise there are other events such as Toryuken that could be considered for next time (but that’s not within the current SNK WCS timeframe).

They’ll be very lucky to be a part of Neogeo World Tour again, however.

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