#KOFXIV at Stunfest Invitational Tournament (WIN YOUR PLACE)

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#KOFXIV at Stunfest Invitational Tournament (WIN YOUR PLACE)

   FGC News   May 11, 2016  4 Comments

Updated with rules and stream information.

The fire is here again!

  • A dedicated area covering all 3 days with freeplay and invitational tournament
  • Prizes to win
  • Top stages will go on the main stage
  • Stream all weekend

The 32 man Invitational Tournament, in classic KOF style, will be made of the strongest players we can find, invited by the mysterious R, er, AT.

Versus Dojo & Frionel will be running the stand.

Queue Rules: The time to play depends on the queue.  If the queue is long, it’s one game only.  If short, 3 games to win, with 2 lives, when either limit is reached, you must give your place to the next in line.

You will be advised of any changes.

To get an invite to the tournament, just leave a comment on the website (not facebook) with a working email, that’s all!  Your level isn’t important but you should have a ticket to Stunfest.

We will contact the entrants via the email!

Stunfest is nearly here!

Check the new Stunfest Trailer (unofficial).

Stream will be on frionel26!

Watch live video from frionel26 on www.twitch.tv

Hope to see you there!  Let’s BURN TO FIGHT!

Don’t forget there is a KOF13 2v2 tournament stream too!

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