Next date for #KOFXIV, MIG WB Replays #KOFXIII

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Next date for #KOFXIV, MIG WB Replays #KOFXIII

Over in Glasgow, the bads scrambled again for the top spot, while more newcomers are joining in, which is great to see!  Watch them level up, along with ON.TSS.Atma wrecking house.

You can also watch Atma on twitch, there’s a replay here.

Then over at Winter Brawl, BE.KaneBlueRiver went up against DC.LazieFreddie at the grand finals!  If you like Raiden, it’s worth a watch, some great usage of drop kicks!

Next showing of KOFXIV : 26 APRIL 2016

confirmed in English by MMCAFE (read more) And now for some cool tweets


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…. more info soon

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Orochinagi 3on3: Tokyo, Japan

March 19!
Shinjuku Playland Carnival
3pm start! GO!

Toryuken 5

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It’s hard to imagine how all these games will fit into one weekend, but it will be done.  And while other events have “moved on” HS will still feature “dead” games, such as SF4 Ultra.

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