New Images of Tung Fu Rue, Choi and Chin #KOFXIV + Rumour update

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New Images of Tung Fu Rue, Choi and Chin #KOFXIV + Rumour update

   kof ,,,   March 11, 2016  8 Comments

Here you can have another look at the terrible trio announced by SNK: Tung Fu Rue, Chin and Choi, and afterwards another discussion about the roster.
Which will be your favourite? Or most hated? Chin seems to have his moves intact, making him a fearful opponent.  Tung Fu Rue has HUGE specials, as he projects his chi powered aura.  As for Choi, well, as you saw in the video…. it’s Choi, which in the right hands will be deadly enough to haunt you in your dreams….





ALX wanted to chip in after the last post concerning some details we posted.

He wanted to point out that if we are to believe the leak (source long deleted),

  • the third character in Geese’s team is a butler
  • the third character in Kim’s team is Kim’s Master’s Wife, NOT Kim’s wife
  • The Palace Wan team, is the #KOFXIV official team, just like the KOF2001 NESTS team
  • “Tung’s two teammates, one is fiendish young adult, the other one is pillow teenager, I suppose his weapon is similar to a pillow.”

Concerning the last point, there is much debate:

The first time the rumour surfaced with two young kids as Tung’s team mates, the Chon Rei twins immediately sprang to mind.  But now ALX is more sure that these are teenagers, new characters, with the reasoning that if the leak could recognise Tizoc in a dinosaur mask, there’s no way they wouldn’t recognise Rei and Shu.

Still, there’s 9 days till the showing in Korea, perhaps we’ll see something then to confirm the truth.  We really hope it’s the opposite because the leak would really take the surprise away.


– Ooop this just in: anon retorting it’s not Geese’s Butler, not Rei and Shu and other stuff like big boss stadium battle and other stuff.  If you like gossip, read away! Thx NuraYagami


Other Events Coming Up

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Mar 13, France, MELTDOWN

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It’s hard to imagine how all these games will fit into one weekend, but it will be done.  And while other events have “moved on” HS will still feature “dead” games, such as SF4 Ultra.


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19 March 2016! Click image for more info.  Stream will be on Nico Nico !

Button Czech

Button Czech

Buttonczech takes place in Prague on the weekend of 6th to 8th May 2016.

Don’t hesitate and head right to Registration. We’re looking forward to see you!

Toryuken 5

Over in Canada, TORYUKEN 5 is coming on May 20th-22nd of 2016.

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