Canton Cup Streaming Now #KOFXIII feat Xiaohai Dakou Poongko

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Canton Cup Streaming Now #KOFXIII feat Xiaohai Dakou Poongko



Tune into the stream at!

Update: On the 3rd January, KOF will start at 10am (3am in Paris FR, 6pm in Los Angeles, US) and go all the way to grand finals, with USF finals afterwards.

The last tournament of 2015 featuring KOF13 and USF4 will take place over new year’s eve! Check below for replays from last year and schedule for the next!

Thanks to Charles Liu for translating!

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Dakou has actually been running this tournament for 5 years now. This year he is running it in conjunction with The FIREFLY ACG FESTIVAL.

Tune into the stream at!


  • 31st Dec 6:00 pm PST (Pacific Standard Time) KOFXIII pool to top 8
  • 31st Dec 10:00 pm USF 3 v 3 team battle
  • 1st Jan 6:00 pm Ultra Street Fighter Pools to Top 8
  • 3rd Jan 10am PST KOFXIII Pools and finals
  • 3rd Jan 11:00 pm USF FINAL

Stream URL will be updated soon!

  • Misterio was scheduled to go but now can’t due to personal reasons.
  • Ren has yet to confirm.
  • Infiltration confirmed
  • Poongko confirmed
  • of course Xiao Hai will be in attendance

This year the tournament will be on the very same stage!

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The Canton Cup has been growing steadily over the past few years and there is a very high possibility that it will become a Capcom qualifier, making it another hotspot for Asia.

It is situated in Dakou’s hometown, Guangzhou, which certainly doesn’t look like any pictures of China many of us are used to!  This is obviously a developed city and could prove very exciting for travel alone! We’ll get word from Saunic to tell us about his experience last year.  For now, check out the photos below.



We will post more info as we get it.


As you may remember in the Capcom Cup 2015, Qanba.Douyu Dakou and Xiao Hai made it to the top 32 from a world of competitors, Dakou taking out Justin Wong and Xiao Hai taking out Bonchan.  Marvellous achievements coming from these players, you may remember also Dakou runs the Yacheng Cup aka Canton Cup, which last year featured CCG.HumanBomb from Australia, Saunic from France and MadKOF from Korea, who had a great match vs Xiao Hai in the finals!

Check out Humanbomb at the losers finals

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