#KOF Music Edition

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#KOF Music Edition

   kof ,,   November 14, 2015  5 Comments

If you like your KOF soundtracks, guitar covers remixes, you’ll like today’s post!

Check out these remixes by JFCT555

Mad Fantasy

[youtube id=”ZslS6OdoECA” width=”100%” height=”400″]

Still Green

Club M
[youtube id=”3xIz18ClNZ8″ width=”100%” height=”400″]
Get N Up
Might as well put DJ Dick’s The Psycho Ball back in here, now 2 years old!

Guitar Covers

Best Shirt haha by Poyo

K’ by Driss DX
How do you like them? Leave a comment!

Reminder: This weekend:  MAKE SURE YOU ARE SUBBED- but check back later there may be a different channel

Watch live video from On_Vicio on www.twitch.tv




Yes, we’re probably sticking with this name.

[pdf-light-viewer id=”22052″]


Here’s the replay from last night’s ONTV Stream


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