#SNK posts new ad for #KOF : What does it mean? July 2015 (updated)

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#SNK posts new ad for #KOF : What does it mean? July 2015 (updated)

And the rumours start flying, so let’s get some things straight.

  • Costume Developer?
    This rumour was started by somebody misreading “consumer” or an auto correct and then other people reading it and reposting it.
    If that was true it would indicate that modelling is done and now they are focusing on making DLC costumes. Unfortunately this is far from the case, at least, officially.
    The ad states they are looking for a Consumer Game Planner.
  • A Game Planner is often responsible for the design of the game, setting requirements, evaluating and  even helping on modelling.  They can decide how the system works in terms of consumers and business, deciding things like DLC strategy.  They are often not particularly specialised in something but contribute with ideas.
  • The other ads are still open: such as calls for CG designers, so the previous rumour of KOF14 being released in 2016 seems strange, but of course we can hope.
  • A new KOF: As confirmed by Professor, the ad clearly states that the job is consumer game planning for “KOF” fighting game .”  There is no other way to interpret that, there is a new KOF in development.  However that could mean a scrolling beat em up, some other sort of fighting game involving the KOF IP.
  • It’s definitely not another Pachinko title, and it’s not a smartphone game as there is a separate ad.
  • (update 30July) In fact, Consumer Game Planner means CONSOLE Game Planner.  So whatever it is, it’s likely to be on PS4 and XBox One plus PS3 and Xbox 360, according to the requirements for the technical designer ad.
  • According to Professor, the ad says “The company is looking for experienced staff who’s had past projects in consumer game planning and they’re giving priority to developers that’ve made fighting games, data for action games, and know how to make UI specs.”
  • This seems pretty clear that SNK is working on KOFXIV.  But until there is an official announcement, likely to be in Famitsu first, we cannot confirm anything.
  • Tokyo Game Show is in September but this seems too close, since a game planner would have had to have planned attendance months ago.  Unless, the game planner is an additional planner.
  • Update 30 July: if you are cynical about business practices, it could be assumed that SNK are using this ad to lure a planner from another game company or one that has worked on fighting titles before, plus the ad may be a formality when in fact they already have someone lined up for the job or at least in mind already.

We will also keep you updated as soon as we get any more information! It’s recommended to also keep an eye on SNK PLAYMORE and MMCAFE !



  • EVO 2015 Prizes : Staff + Tshirt Prizes = $208
  • ON Wolf Cup : Staff + Tshirt Prizes = $134.11
  • SPICY CUP! $$$??

Do you want to motivate people to play the game you love? Buying prizes is expensive! Of course I’ve got some STEAM codes to give out to thank donators via lottery, each dollar is a ticket! If you’d rather get more for your buck and give, buy a Tshirt!  Thanks to everyone who donated and are helping the scene!



[row][column width=”1/2″]Special Event with an Exclusive Unit! New update with more Units & Special Missions! SNK PLAYMORE CORPORATION (Corporate HQ: Suita-city, Osaka, Japan, Company, President & CEO: Koichi Toyama) is proud to announce the release of a new update to the iPhone & Android application “METAL SLUG DEFENSE”.


“METAL SLUG DEFENSE” is the latest installment in the legendary 2D run-and-gun game series “METAL SLUG” and its first entry as a tower defense / strategy game.
[/column][column width=”1/2″]
“METAL SLUG DEFENSE” has been already downloaded more than 24 million* times since its release on May 1st, 2014.

We are glad to announce the release of a new update to “METAL SLUG DEFENSE”, from today for Android devices and soon for iOS devices, with new Units, Special Missions, and a Special Event which will reward players will limited-time Units! * Total amount of downloads of the game on iOS and Android (with the exception of China) *This number doesn’t take in account several downloads done on the same user account.

Version-up overview:


1) Special Event Free all the POWs held captive in the special area to be rewarded with a time limited Chopper Unit from the “Regular Army”!

2) Addition of new Units

3) Addition of new Special Missions

4) Implement the live broadcasting functionality with Niconico Live (iOS ver. only)




Paid Game Apps at $0.99 each!

July 17th, 2015 ? July 31st, 2015

For this sale, we offer popular paid apps in the “THE KING OF FIGHTERS”, “FATAL FURY”, “METAL SLUG” Series, and more titles as well at “$0.99” each!

Full breakdown here (link updated)


check out our designs in the meantime! EVO discounts still in effect coz I’m happy/lazy.

BUY NOW: US  | EU | GB ::  Art Prints > US

BUY NOW: US  | EU | GB ::  Art Prints > US

Unleash the Female power!!!!

“METAL SLUG DEFENSE” has been already downloaded more than 24 million times since its release!

[row][column width=”1/2″]
Here’s the newest trailer!


[/column][column width=”1/2″]

Grab the game here for FREE!


Follow SNK for news and giveaways @SNKPOFFICIAL !


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