Ougi’s Round Robin

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Ougi’s Round Robin

The Highlands etc etc stereotypes, who cares, let’s get down and play some more KOF!

Tournament Information:

Entry will be £3. Sign up will start around 12 and casuals will be available. Event starts at 1pm, everybody will play everybody. If you have to leave early let me know so I can sort out and get all your games in. All games will be played 2/3.

Games are played 3v3, 60 seconds. Winner must select rematch, loser may change character/order. If loser returns to character/order select then winner may change order but not characters.

Venue Information:

The event will be taking place at Glasgow’s new FGC home in MaxXP Gaming on 29-31 Duke Street. The rules are simple: no outside food/drink as the venue will be serving food and drink themselves.

In the Event of a Massive Turn-out:

There will be 4 round robin groups that will proceed into a final group to be played out to determine the winner. I don’t expect this to really happen at all to be honest.

Facebook Event Page

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