Tournament Replays feat Toshi & FlandersKOF

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Tournament Replays feat Toshi & FlandersKOF

Watch live video from FlandersKoF on Twitch

Watch live video from FlandersKoF on Twitch

Watch live video from FlandersKoF on Twitch


Sets a new record with 16 million downloads worldwide!

In order to celebrate this marvelous event, SNK PLAYMORE is pleased to announce the release of a new update including additional areas, unit characters, special missions, and many more content available from November 6th on Android and later on iPhone devices,.

image MSD(4)

Version-up overview:

1) Addition of new areas

2) Addition of new unit characters

3) New Special Missions, etc.


App Store Download URL:

Google Play Download URL:

“METAL SLUG DEFENSE” Official Website:


By the way… It’s November … something is gonna hit very soon…

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