????2on2????? #KOF13 Tournament in Tokyo

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????2on2????? #KOF13 Tournament in Tokyo

(article in Japanese and English)

????3:00 PM?
???ON |????ON?????| Haregoro?Keykakko?Okome???

Beginner-Intermediate random pairing 2on2 Tournament Nov.23

Entry: 2PM-2:30PM

Begins: 3:00PM

Where: Shinjuku Playland Carnival

Entrance fee: 100 Yen

This tournament will be a 2on2 where players get randomly paired.

There will be no loser’s pool.

Organizers: ON|Myu (Assisted by ON|Haregoro, Keykakko, Okome, etc)

Entry Form: http://ws.formzu.net/fgen/S10994453/

Tournament will be streamed on Nico: http://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/co1505216

Follow Myu on @shibainutakechi 

Thx to Prof for translation help!

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