Shadowloo Showdown 2013 Player List

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Shadowloo Showdown 2013 Player List

   FGC News   October 9, 2013  2 Comments

Check out the attendees from all over, including Luffy, Tokido, Mago, Bubblan, DJ Houshen and our very own Colonov and Dark Chaotix!

Will Tokido finally claim his first major or will he fall foul to another unknown match up?

That’s a big hint there.

Still, we wish them all the best! This weekend, there will be shrimps on the barbie.

MCZ| Tokido (JP)
WDM| Luffy (France)
Pichy (SA)
Hugo (SA)
TSB| TheUndyingMage (SA)
Weskim (QLD)
BomBomEngine (QLD)
Super Fly T.N.T (SG)
* KellyNUTS (Melb)
SL|ZG (Melb)
BoS| CM (Melb)
SL| Rossco (Melb)
LGG Sai (Kuwait)
DM|MCZ Jackson (SG)
Djehuty (WA)
Falco (SA)
Mooseking (SA)
ON| Dark Chaotix (QLD)
Ranmasama (USA)
NIUE. OptimusDave (NZ)
DJ Def-P (Melb)
Marthicus (Melb)
BoS| GaB (Melb)
SL| PyroZeroX (Melb)
BubblanAB7 (Sweden)
ON| Colonov (QLD)
Heretic875 (SA)
Nerk (SA)
GCF Dejan (QLD)
DJ Huoshen (USA)
DM|MCZ Dixon (SG)
Kynstar (Melb)
SL|Burnout (Melb)
BoS| CD (Melb)
MCZ| Xian (SG)
A1Major (SA)
J-Man (SA)
MiracleMilk (SA)
KEC| Goomba (QLD)
* TRP| Baxter (QLD)
MCZ| Mago (JP)
Joe Shyne (USA)
Spoony Gosling (Melb)
Yohammed (Melb)
@PlaYsiA (Melb)
SL| Antman (Melb)

Pool List here

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