Who is Team Danger?
ON: Who are you?
TD: Team Danger is based in Northern Mexico. It covers Juarez, Chihuahua, and the Durango area of Mexico. The Team is probably better known by Kane9999 performance during Evo and a couple of his online videos on his YouTube channel.
ON: What year was it established?
TD: The Team was founded in 2012 around Evo time. There was a growing trend in Mexico since the inception of SFIVAE. Juarez although it had high level players for KOF 2002, none of them really had a team, if anything they represented Juarez in every Tournament they went outside of the City, they either went by (example) Alexis from Juarez, or KOF Juarez Alexis… So we decided to make something formal, start a Team and start a series of Ran bats.
ON: What happened to the ran bats?
TD: Juarez as many of you may or may not know is a very violent city in recent years. Team Danger began its ran bats under the name of Salty Series. Everything was going fine with the first 2 ranbats, but when the third one was in planning stages, the owners of the gaming cafe were asked money to keep the cafe running, or it wasn’t going to end well. So instead of getting their head cut off or worst, they decided to close down the place.
ON: So, what about the team?
TD: Since then I have decided, to keep the Team still alive and competitive but at underground status. KOF players such as Kane9999, Setsuna, Ismael and a couple of others would still get together to play at each other’s pad, or making a trip down to Chihuahua (the next closest city) to compete. Due to what happened to the gaming cafe it was decided to protect Team Danger members from any possible threat, that’s why the team never really went full public.
ON: So what are the current plans?
TD: It was brought up by TD|Bucano that we as a Team should challenge other teams in 3vs3 matches on SFIVAE via Xbox Live. Right now every Sunday the team challenges other teams online to play the matches to get known a little bit better. So right now the plan is to do that, and by the end of the year start a formal league with the rest of the Teams in Mexico, similar to Topanga (online part).
ON: What games do you guys play?
TD: Aside from SFIVAE and KOFXIII, there is 1 league of legends team. A couple of the players play UMVC3 and a couple play Third Strike. Although the majority focus on the first 2 games I mentioned.
ON: So what are the future plans?
TD: Aside from adding a YouTube, Twitch, and Twitter account (at least more active). We want to finish the SFIVAE project. There is a big tournament in Mexico in October called Coliseo, we’ll see if we have representatives over there. The same goes for Revolution as well in November. We will be at Evo as well, we’ll see you guys there.
ON: How did you guys do at Evo?
TD: Bucano made it out of his pool on winner’s side in SFIV. Kane9999 made it to top 32, and Setsuna made it to top 64 both in KOFXIII.
ON: What other tournaments have you guys attended?
TD: As Team Danger Evo 2012, Evo 2013, Coliseo (in Guadalajara)… A few regionals in Mexico City, Puebla, and Veracruz.
ON: Who are the players?
TD: To name a few…
- Kane9999
- Setsuna
- Fory
- Bucano
- Darioh
- Kihara
- Lufe
- Dani
- Gigante
- Boy Scout
- KOFMath
- Lecter
There are a couple more members we would like to bring in that were once real good in past KOF that are from Juarez, people like Alexis, Ismael, Esteban, Lalo to name a few. We would like also for KOFMath to come back to KOF he found a new love for FIFA, but trust me he was a beast in KOF2002.
ON: Anything you guys want to add?
TD: The Team is still a working progress, we are supporting our local players making competition online and offline. We are hoping to make more appearances in future tourneys in both Mexico and the US. One thing is for sure we will be at Evo, that I can guarantee. See you guys in Vegas!