More KOF Tournaments in the US
kansas kof tournament if any of you are in the surrounding area/states. i put in a $50 pot prize. no 3v3 for this one since we’re running other games as well. we can’t fit all that shit on one day. it would hold up brackets like hell. but im planning to do that the first week of november. kof only & that one will be a $300 pot prize and i will try to get sponsors for it. we also got a a ton of gaming pc’s at our venue so if you want to hop on facebook or play league you can do that if you get bop’d early or waiting for your match. we also got a new snk cabinet and i want to run a garou side tournament. there’s also a afterparty at our local barcade and there’s kof there as well. so you want to get some MM’s or more casuals there you go.