[FR]Game of Rhône: Prequel @ Lyon

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[FR]Game of Rhône: Prequel @ Lyon

Hi everyone, i’m Zelkys, a French Fighting Game Commentator and a streamer, and today, i’ve got for you, a new little KOF event in Lyon(France):

Game of Rhône!


This is a local tournament i’ve streamed for people who live in the Rhône-Alpes region and the 12 best player are selected for the 1st Game of Rhône.

(Frionel is the guest of this session! And commentators are Frionel, Kaito, MedX and me)

The challonge is here, but he spoiled the final result: http://challonge.com/PGOR


These videos are the pre-selection for the real tournament, I hope you’re enjoy~:





Thanks for watching and follow me @:





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