@wgc2013 Update: 5v5, Bala

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@wgc2013 Update: 5v5, Bala


  • -“Overseas” teams are allowed (ESWC precedent)
  • – Bi-national card carrying Players can change “countries” each year, it’s a fun tourney & there’s no money to gain
  • – Long-time residents (for 5, 10 or more years) can be added to a country roster, but not “friends” like Dieminion in 2010
  • – The will be ONLY ONE “World” team per tournament, but bi-national teams can be built (Russo-Polish, Germano-Austrian, etc.)
  • -If there’s a problem, players are to be able to show ID proof of their nationality

Which means:

CafeId will be entering the KOF 5v5 – if they can find another country to team with.

A country cannot enter the tournament TWICE.  So you can’t have Team France and then Team Franco-Korea.

And Team UK will become legit.


It is now confirmed that Bala will not be coming, therefore, as we stated in our directive, our donation efforts now go to CafeId.

They have bought their flight tickets at great cost and still need help with travel and food!


[donation-can goal_id=’bring-player-to-wgc’ style_id=’default’ show_progress=true show_description=true show_donations=false show_title=true title=”]


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