News from Dune in Japan
There’s a big tournament in the works in Tokyo… Dune is working with multiple arcades to hold 7 tournaments as preliminaries, and the winning team of each of them will be able to proceed to the finals on Jan 13. The rules are still being hammered out but it’s going to be a 2-on-2. Shinjuku Carnival and Spot21 are currently participating and Dune’s negotiating with a few other arcades as well. (source)
Speaking of Japan, Kaoru has suddenly rocketed to the top of the WGC2013 most wanted player poll, due to some tweeting around by friends and followers. Freezer had gained many votes this way, and we’re really shocked Nagihey only has 1 vote! Wth! Mukatsku!
The decision will be made soon… will the poll make a difference? Tell the KOF EU committee who you really want to see at WGC! I hope you have friends…