NGBC Tournament Kohatsu 15th Sep 2012

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NGBC Tournament Kohatsu 15th Sep 2012

   FGC News ,   November 1, 2012  2 Comments



A recent Ko-Hatsu tournament, this video covers the A Block.

Players :

Midoru (Marco , Iori , Kim , Mars People , Mizuchi , Kyo)
Kazuha (Yuki , Ai)
Soto (Washizuka , Shishiou , Cyber Woo , Terry , Lee)
Kuro Q [ ?? ] (Mars People , Shermie)

Original upload by nico user ??

Part 2 :

Title : ??????????????????? A????

Source :

Description : 9?15????????????16??


?????????????nbc ngbc

B Block. Players :

Kojirou (Moriya , Mai , Tung)
Debu-kun (Mudman , Akari , Tung , Lee , Asura)
Damu Ino (Kim , Hanzou , K’ , Tung)
Tomohiko (Big , Kaede , Mr Karate , NeoDio)

C Block. Players :

Shidou (Nakoruru , Athena)
Zuki Otoko [ ??? ] (Marco , Haohmaru)
Giltan Man (Kaede , Mr Karate)
Air Gaitsu Kamen [ ??????? ] (Big , Shermie)

D Block. Players :

Narukami [ ?? ] (Iori , Chonshu , Rock)
Kuroneko (K’ , Kyo)
Shoshinsha [ ??? ] (Hotaru , Kim , Big)
Tsuruhatsu (Ai , Geese , Nakoruru , Mars People)


The last one. Semifinals and final matches.

Midoru (Iori , Geese)
Narukami (Iori , Rock)
Zuki Otoko (Haohmaru , Marco)
Debu-kun (Tung , Lee)
Kojirou (Mai , Moriya)
Shidou (Nakoruru , Tung)
Soto (Washizuka , Shishiou)
Kuroneko (K’ Kyo)

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