Home  >>  FGC News  >>  GUARD CRUSH


   FGC News   July 28, 2012  1 Comment

??? graces us with anther community effort, this time around more than combos this video is completely geared towards forcing a guard crush from a full guard. Some of the combos are rather practical, some others are not, but all of them are rather interesting.

Community : The “Think about it sensibly” nico community [ Joushikiteki ni Kangaete or ??????? ] (page :
Video uploader & Community leader : ??? or Upao (nico user page : )
For the creation of this video the community extend it’s thanks to the player ?????? (Kerion)

This video does not take into account “heavy guard” class characters (Daimon & Maxima).

Title : ??????? KOF13 – ?????

Source :

Description : ????????

Special Thanks! ? ??????

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