Evo 128 Player List

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Evo 128 Player List

   FGC News   July 7, 2012  4 Comments

These are the guys playing on Saturday. There’s still more to come!

Thx DG!
Posted by Oskr Himura:The 128 for tomorrow:A31 – IGL|B.A.L.A.
A32 – Ziwa310
A34 – Kane9999
A37 – TH|Poongko
A39 – CafeID|1st Man
A42 – coL.CC|Combofiend
B31 – eLivePro.Qanba|Dakou
B32 – TC|ChrisKOF
B33 – Honnou
B35 – Yang Yao Ren
B36 – vVv|Romance
B37 – Kaoru
B38 – Yuhang Ng
B39 – Matharazo
B40 – Kusanagi
B41 – Nick T.
B42 – Choysauce
C31 – IGL|The Answer
C32 – David Kong
C34 – CafeID|Lacid
C35 – Sanchez
C36 – DKN29
C37 – Zero Black
C41 – RyRy
C42 – Metaphysics
D31 – CafeID|Verna
D32 – DMG.MCZ|Juicebox Abel
D33 – Joel A.
D34 – Kubo
D36 – Ramon
D38 – Sange Tencho
D42 – Duncan

Qualified Losers Bracket

A31 – Ryyudo
A32 – Mindgame
A34 – Soulstar
A37 – Kazunoko
A39 – Essex
A42 – ER.MCZ|Warahk
B31 – TKG
B32 – Kane
B33 – Alcatras09
B34 – Ranmasama
B35 – Marcolin
B36 – CafeID|Pikachu
B37 – Killey
B38 – Nocturnal
B39 – Laziefreddy
B40 – OT|Toblipa
B41 – Cubo
B42 – Ragnarok
C31 – Gin-san
C32 – W3S
C34 – Umezono
C35 – Eternal Blaze
C36 – Groovy Mango
C37 – eLivePro|Mr. KOF
C41 – WDM.MCZ|Cuongster
C42 – Fixel
D31 – Mario Juarez
D32 – Mingde Chen
D33 – Pedro Martinez
D34 – Josh99
D36 – Fade702
D38 – Heavy Arms
D42 – TWG|Arthur

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