Maxmode / eLive / Atlus

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Maxmode / eLive / Atlus

   FGC News   October 17, 2011  No Comments

In 20 hours from the time of this post – Maxmode will be showing more of their KOF XIII footage from Paris Manga.

Tune into their eLive show at 18:54 GMT +1 Tuesday!

In the meantime, they uploaded a few more videos, here’s one:

They have also uploaded more videos here:

Kane317 from Dreamcancel interviews Dune with the help of Professor from MMcafe, covering the history of KCE, his analysis of the latest console changes, playing versus Xiaohai, 98FE and other interesting bits.

Responding to the KOF XIII video, Aram from Atlus (thx Sonic Tempest) made this statement on the Dreamcancel forums:

 Regarding the videos recently posted on IGN (and please don’t mind that I basically copied and pasted my text from the KOF thread on GAF):

The videos showing offline matches against AI opponents were taken on the second-to-easiest AI setting, which explains why the AI simply stands there.

The primary purpose of my visit to their offices, which was to give them a hands-on of the netcode, is represented in the video of a full, start-to-finish online match. That match was conducted between myself, located in San Francisco, CA, and a member of our production staff down in Irvine, CA (Bay area CA versus Southern CA).

Unfortunately, the nature of the video and the lack of the write-up fail to offer any additional context. I’ll ask you all to be a bit patient, as there’s plenty more coverage of the game, including the netcode, hitting soon, including an On the Spot stage demo, filmed live at GameSpot HQ, which also features a full online match.

Thank you for all of your passion; the KOF community really is second to none!


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