KOF XIII Outrage in Spain

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KOF XIII Outrage in Spain

SpekSNK reported the showing of KOF XIII at Gamefest in Madrid.  They went to test the beta version of the game for the PlayStation 3 and what they found that the only console with the game that was available was broken, so the game could not be shown beyond a logo on the Bandai-Namco booth, “the distributor of the game in Spain”.

They couldn’t play it, they couldn’t see it.  The question is… was this coincidence or sabotage?  I seriously doubt Bandai-Namco would stoop so low, but doesn’t it strike you as … odd?

We here at ON are also surprised because we believed RSG to be distributing the game in PAL territories.  We will get confirmation from RSG asap.  We know that Bandai-Namco was a big sponsor so maybe that was confusion there.  RSG was not present at the event.  So… who was running that booth?

Read more (Spanish)

Update: RSG confirmed it. Bandai-Namco is their partner in Spain and was running the booth.  Shiranui Ninja has clarified that the Soul Calibur PS3 was faulty and kept over heating, so they swapped it for the PS3 that was meant for KOF XIII.  Are we supposed to be happy about this?  Technological problems may happen, but one game was favoured over the other, no surprise that the Namco game takes priority.

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